Green Orions skin tones range from grass-green to deep pine, and their coloration deepens nicely in strong sunlight.

Green Orions: Green Orions often seem coarse compared to Gold Orions (according to Gold Orions). A Ruddy colored noble is dangerous, and don't you forget it. While it is not impossible for Ruddy Orions to make it into the nobility, you have to be twice as good, rich, etc. Noble houses are nearly all as Yellow as Yellow can get. By Human standards, their proportions and features are pleasing, even beautiful. Gold Orions tend to be slender, and some can be quite delicate. Gold Orions have body hair but current fashion dictates that all body hair should be removed. Gold eye colors range from yellow to sea-blue, violet, or occasionally black. Skin color is exactly analogous to Human skin tones. Their skin is sensitive to strong sunlight which can deepen their color or cause an unsightly purple burn. Constituting about three-fifths of the Orion population, Gold Orions have skin tones ranging from ruddy orange and red (So called Ruddies) to yellow. The Orions’ distinctive difference are their colors. They live approximately 150 standard years. Males average 1.7 meters in height, and weigh around 70 kilograms, while females average 1.5 meters in height and with approximately 60 kilograms. Nature of Members: Gold Orions: Orions greatly resemble Humans. All Orion colonies have not been located. Number of Members: Billions, total unknown. Appearance: A staple for Star Trek from the Green Orion slave girls to Orion pirates.