It also has a few screen size settings, a retro CRT filter, and a "Modern" filter which I have not tested (I believe it's a smoothing option), which are nice too, though I personally wish it had the scans of the original PS1 version's manual like the old PSN version had. I'm not sure how far back it can go, though I'd imagine it can go back quite a bit. The PS4 version has some decent settings to them, including a helpful rewind feature that's useful for cutting down on backtracking if you fall off a ledge and need to climb back up to a certain platform. The camera was kind of giving me some trouble, but I'm pretty sure that's namely just the game itself and not the port. It seems to run about the same as that version did, no serious issues with it as far as I can tell, other than some odd texture warping I noticed at times. So I got the PS4/PS5 version of Toy Story 2 on PS1 for free, since I already had the PS1 Classic version of it released for PS3, PSP, & Vita.