Nun steht der Minifreak seit zwei Tagen in meinem Hobbystudio, neben meinem MAC mit Logic Pro, einem Focurite Scarlett, einem Arturia Keylab 61 MKII und einem Keystep pro. Nach der Veröffentlichung habe ich am 19. external power supply (12V DC, 1A), USB cable and MiniFreak V software (download)
Clock in/out and reset output: 3.5 mm jack. Memory for 256 factory and 256 user presets. Intuitive operation via OLED display and 40 knobs, encoders and buttons. Performance arpeggiator with ratcheting and random functions. 3 Effect slots (as insert or send effect) with 10 effect types. Modulation matrix with 7 sources and 13 destinations.
Per voice: ADSR envelope, multi-segment envelope/ LFO, two LFOs and analogue multimode filter (low-pass, band-pass, high-pass).FM, ring modulation and mutual influence of the sound engines
Extensive modulation possibilities incl. Two digital sound engines per voice with 22 selectable oscillator modes: Superwave, Wavetable, Karplus Strong, Noise and many more. 37 Velocity-sensitive slim keys with aftertouch.